One of my project requirements was to create sitemap page for the site.
To implement this kind of functionalities MOSS offers you one of great web part known as Table of Contents Webpart.
All you need to do is just configure webpart to get contents from the location and let this web part know that whether to show sites or pages or everything
You can read about configuring this webpart here and here
But problem with this web part is
When you try to use this web part with your Publishing Site and configure webpart to show pages then this web part shows pages from Site’s Pages Library but some extra links too!! Example: Documents, Lists, people and groups..etc and of course we don’t want to show these kinds of links when you are working with Public facing site
So to avoid this situation> all you need to do is just create a custom xsl style in LevelStyle.xsl and that’s it.. you are done
Some basics : table of Contents webpart uses some xsl files to present data
- TableOfContentsMain.xsl
- Header.xsl
- LevelStyle.xsl
(You can find all these xsl files in Style Library of Site)
So what I have done in this xsl style is, checking url of links which webpart fetches and then compare this url with ‘Pages’ keyword , as all pages and sites will be of course having url containing ‘pages ‘word so only those can be allowed and rendered.
because all unwanted links like> Documents, Lists, people and groups were containing link with keyword ‘_layouts/’ so this filtering is done
<xsl:template name="OnlyPagesSites" match="Level[@LevelTemplate= OnlyPagesSites]">
<xsl:variable name="LevelIndent" select="(number(@LevelNumber)-number(1))*number(14)+number(4)"></xsl:variable>
<xsl:variable name="LeafIndent" select="$LevelIndent+6"></xsl:variable>
<xsl:variable name="LeafIndentWithBullet" select="$LevelIndent+14"></xsl:variable>
<div class="level-section">
<span class="level-header">
<xsl:when test='string-length(@Path) > 0'>
<xsl:when test="contains(@Path,'Pages')">
<a href="{cmswrt:EnsureIsAllowedProtocol(string(@Path))}">
<xsl:value-of select="@Title"/>
<xsl:value-of select="@Title"/>
<xsl:for-each select="child::Item">
<div class="level-item-pos level-item level-bullet">
<span id="header">
<a href="{cmswrt:EnsureIsAllowedProtocol(string(@Path))}">
<xsl:value-of select="@Title"/>
Adding Entries in SharePoint Web Configuration File using SPWebConfigModification
One of requirement in my project was to edit the web.config of the current SharePoint web application.
After some goggling I came to know that SharePoint provides us the powerful API (SPWebConfigModification) to interact with web.config directly.
So I will be explaining some points that how to use this API:
I created a feature at WebApplication Level so that we will be able to Modify configuration file as soon as feature gets activated.
Actually SPWebConfigModification Class has Members Like
After some goggling I came to know that SharePoint provides us the powerful API (SPWebConfigModification) to interact with web.config directly.
So I will be explaining some points that how to use this API:
I created a feature at WebApplication Level so that we will be able to Modify configuration file as soon as feature gets activated.
Actually SPWebConfigModification Class has Members Like
- Name : (Property) used for managing name of section or node to set or read
- Path : (Property) used for managing node and this is Xpath expression
- Owner: (property) unique Name for owner of the
- Sequence (Property) used for managing Sequence Number of Modification (usually 0)
- Value : (property) used for setting (or reading) value to node
More Info on : (Msdn-great Source)
I will be explaining this modification class in two ways
I will be explaining this modification class in two ways
- Part 1: Adding a sub-section inside a section
- Part 2: Setting Node value of a section
Part 1:
Adding a SafeControl Entry inside <SafeControls> section of the web.config file
private void AddSafeControlEntry(SPWebApplication webApplication)
SPWebConfigModification entry = new SPWebConfigModification();
entry.Path = "configuration/SharePoint/SafeControls";
entry.Name = "SafeControl [@Namespace='YourNamespaceName']";
entry.Sequence = 0;
entry.Owner = "somethingUniqueName";
entry.Type = SPWebConfigModification.SPWebConfigModificationType.EnsureChildNode;
entry.Value = "<SafeControl Assembly=\"YourfullAssemblyName\" Namespace=\"YourNamespaceName\" TypeName=\"*\" Safe=\"True\" />";
webApplication.WebConfigModifications.Add (entry);
} Part 2:
Here I am setting users value of Node <allow users="*" /> to "?" in authorization section
Adding a SafeControl Entry inside <SafeControls> section of the web.config file
private void AddSafeControlEntry(SPWebApplication webApplication)
SPWebConfigModification entry = new SPWebConfigModification();
entry.Path = "configuration/SharePoint/SafeControls";
entry.Name = "SafeControl [@Namespace='YourNamespaceName']";
entry.Sequence = 0;
entry.Owner = "somethingUniqueName";
entry.Type = SPWebConfigModification.SPWebConfigModificationType.EnsureChildNode;
entry.Value = "<SafeControl Assembly=\"YourfullAssemblyName\" Namespace=\"YourNamespaceName\" TypeName=\"*\" Safe=\"True\" />";
webApplication.WebConfigModifications.Add (entry);
} Part 2:
Here I am setting users value of Node <allow users="*" /> to "?" in authorization section
void ModifyAuthorization (SPWebApplication webApp)
SPWebConfigModification testEntry = new SPWebConfigModification ("users", "configuration/system.web/ authorization/ allow ");
testEntry.Sequence = 0;
testEntry.Owner = "somethingUniqueName";
testEntry.Type = SPWebConfigModification.SPWebConfigModificationType.EnsureAttribute;
testEntry.Value = "?";
webApp.WebConfigModifications.Add (testEntry);
If you noticed in Part 1 and Part 2 examples... type property of modification is different
That is because when you want to add a section inside configuration file then use EnsureChildNode and when you want to set node values which are already in configuration file then use EnsureAttribute .
Also while adding section in configuration file avoid using type as EnsureSection because sections created by using this type are permanent and cannot be removed from the configuration file.
So calling these two methods inside feature receiver will be like :
public override void FeatureActivated(SPFeatureReceiverProperties properties)
SPWebApplication webApplication = properties.Feature.Parent as SPWebApplication;
ModifyAuthorization(webApplication); webApplication.Farm.Services.GetValue<SPWebService>().ApplyWebConfigModifications();
Small Tip:
After doing changes in configuration file one should call method
because by using this method changes to web.config file gets applied at farm level and also use this method call only once rather using after each addition because this method creates timer job on server so if you call this method more than once in single cycle then you might face an error like .. There is timer job already running
So best practice is to call your methods to add your changes in configuration file and then finally call this method
References: great post :
Removing Entries From SharePoint Web Configuration File using SPWebConfigModification
In this section I will be explaining short code about how to remove entries from web configuration file of SharePoint using API SPWebConfigModification
in following function passing SPWebApplication and name of owner as parameters.
Then getting collection of all modifications in web configuration file and then while iterating through collection of these modifications , compare name of owner which is unique and remove that modification from collection and update web application.
private void RemoveTestEntry(SPWebApplication webApplication, string owner)
Collection<SPWebConfigModification> allModifications = webApplication.WebConfigModifications;
int initialCount = webApplication.Count;
for (int i = initialCount - 1; i >= 0; i--)
SPWebConfigModification Testmodification = allModifications [i];
if (Testmodification.Owner == owner)
if (initialCount > allModifications.Count)
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