
Saturday, March 2, 2019

Implementing database per tenant strategy in bots using Azure bot services and SDK v4

Recently I have been working with building the bot with latest bot framework SDK i.e. v4 and the aim was to provision the bot as a SaaS. Meaning that, we already had dedicated SQL Azure database instances provisioned for each tenant (which are also consumed by other line of business applications) and there was need to create the bot which will be hosted with Azure bot service and authenticated by Azure Active Directory. Whenever user logs in to the bot, based on the identity of logged in user the bot should dynamically redirect all the subsequent data read and write requests to correct SQL Azure database instance of the user.

This article does not focus on writing an end to end bot covering scenario above (but can be a good candidate for later) and makes some assumptions that you already have some knowledge of latest bot framework and are familiar with fundamentals of it along with .NET core and Entity Framework core. If you are new to it, then it is highly recommended that you go through documentation here and then continue reading the further part of this article.

The basic architecture and overall Eco-system looks like this

Note that the sole purpose of sharing the above diagram is to give you a high-level overview of the solution and to make you aware that where exactly bot service is coming in to the picture. You can choose to ignore the data preparation and reporting part which is at the right and involves ADF and Power BI.

To keep the content of this article focused on our scenario, we will not go in to the details of how bot can be configured to use Azure AD for authentication and blob storage for state management etc. You can find the documentation to do it on this and this link.

One quick point to mention here is, the Azure AD app needs to be configured as multi-tenant app so that users from different active directories would be able to get themselves authenticated.

Now coming back to the problem of redirecting requests to right tenant based on the user identity, let’s see how that can be done.

Typically, when we want to use the EF data context object inside the ASPNET core application, we end up taking help of DI and inject it in Startup.cs which looks something like this

But this does not help here, Why? Is because at the time of the application startup – you do not know which database we want to point to.

DbContext object should be initialized at the run time once we know that who is the user and where is the relevant database for that user.

Now, to know where to send data request of users – we need to have some sort of mapping present between users logging in to bot and respective database connection strings. This mapping can be done in number of ways e.g. maintain mapping of user’s domain and connection strings or maintain mapping of user’s tenant id and connection strings.

You can choose your own store to have these mappings provisioned i.e. store it either on central SQL azure database table or maintain it in XML, JSON or in configurations or in Azure key vault.

There is an excellent documentation available by Gunnar Peipman explaining this scenario, you can have a look at it to understand the details of how it uses json file to initialize different mappings

So functional flow looks like this

Runtime Initialization of the DbContext object can be easily achieved by overriding OnConfiguring method of the DbContext class.

With this approach, there is not really a necessity to inject the DbContext at the time of application startup and instead you can initialize DbContext explicitly whenever you need. Note that every time you request or create your DbContext object – the OnConfiguring method will be called.

Extending the model

How do I get the connection string at the run time?

The answer is, you can create your own connection string provider which will return you connection string based on user and will look up relevant connection string either in Sql database, or in configuration or in azure key vault.

For our specific scenario, since our bot is AD authenticated – once the user is logged on, we know the tenant id of the user. We store that tenant id in custom class i.e. UserProfile and store it in the bot user state so that it can be accessed during any conversation.

As a mapping between tenant id of the user and actual connection string, we do use the Azure key vault to store connection string value as a secret. You can refer how to configure azure key vault connected services aspnet core in this article - Add Key Vault to your web application by using Visual Studio Connected Services

The reason tenant connection string provider comes handy when tomorrow you decide to maintain mappings in some external secure service other than key vault in that case all you would need to do is, replace the implementation of tenant provider and that’ll be all.

Here is how tenant connection string provider can look (fetching connection strings from Azure key vault)

Introducing DbContextFactory

It always is a good approach to introduce the factory pattern to achieve the additional isolation between the requester and object creator.

Note that how we have created our own implementation of CreateDbContext method instead of implementing the default method which only takes string array as input.

Also note that how we have consumed the ConfigurationTenantProvider which implements TenantProvider’s GetTenant method and is configurable. We could have injected the ITenantProvider in factory but for this example, just wanted to keep the setup simple and hence initialized it directly.

Let’s understand it with the help of a block diagram

Startup configurations

The last part would be to make DbContextFactory available to all the dialogs i.e. by injecting it to the container.

and since we now have registered the DbContextFactory to the DI container, you should easily be able to access it in any bot dialog and should be able to create your DbContext dynamically whenever needed.


The latest bot framework and EF core is quite flexible, approach explained above is one the way to make your db context dynamic and there could be multiple ways to do the same. Readers are encouraged to refer it as an option and customize it further as per their needs.


  1. Hi, Thanks for sharing the detailed info. As per the implementation, for each and every DB transaction, we need to fetch the connectionString from Azure KeyVault. Is this something which is recommended since there might be lot of DB transactions involved in one conversation itself.
